Saturday 11 October 2014

Respect your old parents

Parents - The most valuable thing you have in your life

Often we are so busy growing up that we often forget that our parents are getting older.We never truly appreciate the things our parent did for us until we start doing the same thing for our children.Your parents did not leave you when you were young ,so don't leave them when they are old and need your attention for you will only know their values when you see their empty chairs.

Now a days children are forgetting that they have a duty towards their parent,the only thing they require at their old age are just some moment of your so called precious time and some pleasing word,these things are sufficient to make them happy.

"If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me",this is not just a quote this is what you are for your parents.

Old Parents are not a burden they are the most valuable things you have in your life so start respecting your old parent because they are the reason for what you are today. 

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